Friday, January 8, 2010

Village Wardrobe under Construction!

We finally bought our building in Homer, and there are some much needed repairs that we are tackling (thus the two weeks of being closed!)
Well, we've put in almost 20 hours of work over the last 2 days doing inventory and preparing for some of the "projects" at the Homer store.  I thought it would be fun to post some Before/After pictures!  These are the before...

We want to paint these "bricks" a more cheery color :)

This is one side of our back storage room.  The floor is so badly rotted, that we had to lay down plywood to keep the racks from sinking into the crawl space!!

The floor in the main room has some spots that need repair as well, and we would like to repaint the floor a different color - so we moved everything to one side of the room for tomorrow (then move everything to the other side after the weekend!)

We have some fun paint surprises in store for this front entrance way!

Check back in a few days to see the progress!

Oh yeah - and wouldn't it just be our luck that we are CLOSED during the first great snow of the year, and we JUST got in some great snow toys!  If you would like to purchase some of our new snow items, call me and I can meet you at the store! 369-8436

Inflatable Snow Sleds, Toddler Snow Sleds
Snow Block Molds & Snow Ball Makers

More Snow Sleds and Snow Disks!